Statement from NY Renews on Election Results

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***: November 4, 2020

Contact: Arielle Swernoff | (646) 450-5461 | 

Web: @NYRenews |

Statement from NY Renews on Election Results

“One of the key principles of a democracy is that every vote is counted, so we have leaders who reflect the will of the people. Voters faced many hardships to get to the polls this year, from long lines, slow mail service, and safety concerns because of the COVID pandemic. Despite all of that, we, the voters, showed up. We now have the right to have all of our votes counted. 

The climate justice work of the more than 200 member organizations that make up NY Renews depends on a free and fair democracy. It is what delivered the boldest climate law in the country and what’s still needed as New Yorkers fight the climate crisis and build climate justice for all people.

Millions of people have turned out in this election across New York State and across the country in historic numbers. We’re calling on our elected officials to count every vote. New York’s elected officials need to not only ensure that every New Yorker’s vote is counted, but to publicly demand complete vote counts from every other state and locality. We have elections to determine the will of the people, and it’s imperative that all of our voices are heard. 

We’re also calling on all New Yorkers to engage in sustained direct action until the will of the people is respected and all our votes are counted. History shows that masses of people demanding justice and democracy can force their government to listen and act. In a democracy, voters pick their leaders, not the other way around. It’s time to make sure our voices are heard. 

See you in the streets.”

NY Renews is a coalition of more than 200 environmental, justice, faith, labor, and community groups, and the force behind the nation’s most progressive climate law, New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.


NY Renews